Amsterdam Public Transport Card

The Amsterdam Public Transport Card, also known as the I Amsterdam City Card, is a convenient and cost-effective way to explore the city's public transportation system.

Types of Cards

Card Type Duration Price (in euros)
1-day card 1 day 17
2-day card 2 days 22
3-day card 3 days 28
4-day card 4 days 33

Locations to Purchase

Benefits of the Card


Question Answer
Can I use the card on all forms of public transportation? Yes, the card can be used on buses, trams, and metros.
Do I need to activate the card before using it? No, the card is activated upon first use.
Can I purchase the card for more than 4 days? No, the card is only available for 1, 2, 3, or 4 days.
Can I purchase the card in advance? Yes, the card can be purchased online through the official I Amsterdam website.
Is the card valid for multiple people? No, the card is only valid for one person and cannot be shared.

➡️ Order Your I Am Amsterdam City Card Here 🛒

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